Saturday, 8 July 2017

Who Am I


Say I Am You
I am dust particles in sunlight. I am the round sun.
To the bits of dust I say, Stay. To the sun, Keep moving.
I am morning mist,
and the breathing of evening.

I am wind in the top of a grove, and surf on the cliff.
Mast, rudder, helmsman, and keel,
I am also the coral reef they founder on.

I am a tree with a trained parrot in its branches. Silence, thought, and voice.
The musical air coming through a flute, a spark off a stone, a flickering in metal.
Both candle and the moth crazy around it. Rose and nightingale lost in the fragrance.
I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,
the evolutionary intelligence, the lift and the falling away.

What is and what is not. You who know Jelaluddin,
You are the one in all, say who I am. Say I am you.

Who am I?

To understand who I am you must also know my roots and seeds. I am blessed to say I was raised by world renowned integrative mystic which lead to my multi-level religious and spiritual perspective. The context of interconnectivity and multi-religious intersectionality, plays out in every facet of my life. You can see this in my lineage as a third generation Spiritual Leader with a Protestant grandfather and a Muslim mother, and in my legacy as a mother of two crystal kids.

From Roots to Seeds
I am a multi traditional integrative teacher and have spent a lifetime studying esoteric and energetic healing modalities and life ascension tools both ancient and modern. From a mother, Amina Wadud(Love) the first female muslim to publicly lead a prayer, who reared me as a Sufi and introduced me to Zen meditation at age 8, to my University experience with a Religious Studies Undergrad and Masters in Divinity alongside a decade of countless workshops, immersions, intensives, meditations, dharma talks, trainings and retreats.
My given name is Sahar Muhsin. One translation shows the meaning of my name to be Dawn the one with good. I was given the spiritual name of Ferishte meaning Angel by my Sheik the late Ibrahim Baba, who resides in places of immense light. I have two sons Chayim Arif Om (Life knowing its own essence) and Bashir Sage (Illuminated Wisdom) who attend Tibetan schools half the year.

Sacred Methodologies 
I began my journey with yoga nearly a decade ago, finding greatest resonance with the Kriya Yoga tradition, which includes Kundalini and practices from Babaji and Parmahansa Yogananda. Though I resonate with all perspectives of Spirit, more so than personified deity, I find God to be Source Energy. This is why I have an undergrad minor in Physics and also why I converged with Qi Gong (Energy practice). I became certified to teach Qi Gong 8 years ago, since then I have accumulated forms of energy practice like grains of sand. Taking the ones I most resonate with into a deepening mastery of study and consistency of personal practice. The first course I ever took called Jedi training was for the Foundation of Spiritual development in Marin. I studied there 7 years ago and use these practices every week since.

Sharing the Teachings
I have taught at several establishments including yoga studios and event spaces in California, the Buddha Hall for Teaching and Holistic Healing in McLeod Ganj, Dharamasala, India. Im currently in South East Asia and have been asked to start teaching at Panchamama and Tokay Gym. More than any other space It is my favorite when I go out to touch the earth in personal practice and 3 hours later the group of wanderers who have found and joined me, exponentiating the practices power are asking when we can do this again. It is one of my few regrets of being a rolling stone. I will return to California this summer and am seeking out spaces to continue to ignite the hearts and lights within seekers on the path for the sake of individual, ancestral, and collective healing and transformation.

I’m deeply interested in the esoteric practices of religious traditions as well as modern practices to create harmony within. I feel this mystical component is akin to the pearl of religious knowledge. After spending the majority of my life with a tone of religious and spiritual seeking I have found that my interest also emphasizes trance like state inducing esoteric practices. Currently I am constructing a curriculum to teach these practices in the format of an online course. I am finally fully answering the call from Spirit to begin to teach all the knowledge I have spent years accumulating

The gifts I bring are a deep knowing of energetic healing techniques and a dharmic drive to share them. I look forward to inspiring authentic experience of self realization. To co-create sanctuaries for the wisdom of intuitive knowledge. To teach others to danced with life as I do, and listen to the Universe, the one verse, the one voice of spirit, the oneness of creation as it exists within and to follow or flow with it. 

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